Luma Simms is a Fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center; her essays, articles, and book reviews have appeared in a variety of publications including National Affairs, Law and Liberty, The Wall Street Journal, National Review, First Things, Public Discourse, the Institute for Family Studies, and others.

Renewing My Plea: Humanae Vitae After Obergefell

Some months back, I made a plea—that the Church not yield on withholding the Eucharist from divorced and remarried Catholics. I wrote briefly of my own Catholic conversion, which has left me, as a divorced and remarried woman, unable to receive. I mentioned that my husband and I hoped to be granted a decree of nullity. Now we have received word that we are approximately six weeks from the end.

At this post-Obergefell moment, and with my annulment in view—and on the anniversary of Pope Paul VI's great encyclical, Humanae Vitae—I wish to make two proposals to the Church and to my American Catholic brothers and sisters.

First, let us embrace Humanae Vitae in word and deed. Second, let us embrace a renewal of celibacy.

I do not exaggerate when I say that Humanae Vitae converted me to Catholicism.

Cradle Catholics may be scratching their heads, wondering how an encyclical about contraception from 1968 could possibly win over a hard-core Calvinist! But Humanae Vitae is more than just a dusty document infringing on people's sexual freedom and setting rules for childbearing.

Read the rest of the article at First Things

Why Immigrants Vote For Democrats

Untethering Sacramental Marriage From Civil Marriage